Friday, March 4, 2011

Federal Government Strategy for Cloud Computing

The report can be downloaded here & the presentation from here

This would give a very big boost to Cloud providers and infra supporting them. If the Gov can migrate then lot of enterprises and quasi gov agencies (in US & Worldwide) will definitely consider moving to the cloud. In my opinion there is only ONE BIG CONSIDERATION. It's Security. If the agencies can develop a strategy to handle the security portion then it'll bring an enormous advantage to the public.

From Singapore context, IMO it'll take quite a lot of time before the government jumps to Cloud Infra. I don't think technically its challenging but mainly due to our innate culture of not taking the risks and fear of loosing face. So it may take few years before the private enterprises moves to Cloud.

The first major move was from singtel. If you noticed, singnet moved their e-mail services to Cloud (Google Mail). I think this saved millions of $ for singnet as basically they don't need to maintain the e-mail servers and the support systems any more. Google will be happy with the service charges + close to one million subscribers on their e-mail system and they can sell more advertisements.

I hope IDA takes the lead in reducing their cost and shows the path for large organizations and small players. End of the day the savings can be passed down to the consumer thus applying the "cheaper, better, faster" to organizations as well. :)

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